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Indigenous Reconciliation: Opening Our Hearts

St. Augustine
2028 West 7th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V6J 1T4
Helen Chiu, Ben Hume & Beverly Yhap

[email protected]

Opening Our Hearts: A Journey toward Indigenous Reconciliation

During the 2021-22 Vancouver Archdiocese Synod, many St. Augustine’s parishioners expressed a desire to engage with Truth & Reconciliation efforts. Opening Our Hearts grew from a shared commitment by three members of St. Augustine's Social Justice Ministry to follow through on the hope inspired by Pope Francis’ landmark visit in 2022 with concrete action. Opening Our Hearts offers a meaningful pathway for Catholics to learn about the historical and contemporary role of the Church in the lives of Indigenous peoples.

Opening Our Hearts is profoundly grateful to Deacon Rennie Nahanee for his generous involvement. A member of Squamish (Skwxwú7mesh) Nation, Deacon Rennie brings invaluable insights as a Knowledge Keeper of Church-related issues with Indigenous communities.

Opening Our Hearts to Reconciliation 2023-2024

Last year St Augustine’s church began Opening our Hearts, a journey toward Reconciliation with our Indigenous brothers and sisters. We started as a large group of 55 with a Kairos Blanket Exercise led by Deacon Rennie Nahanee of Squamish Nation on National Truth & Reconciliation Day September 30, 2023 at St. Augustine’s School.  The Exercise gave participants a sense of what Indigenous peoples experienced since first contact with Europeans, their displacement by waves of settlers and newcomers, and the human costs over time, at many levels.  

Deacon Rennie continued with a smaller group of 12 (sometimes 14, sometimes 10) as we learned about Listening to Indigenous Voices.  This course began October 14th and met every two weeks to hear testimony from Indigenous witnesses Martin Sparrow, Deacon Rennie, Elder Wendy Charbonneau, and Métis witness Solange Legal about distinct and shared aspects of Indigenous and Métis culture. 

We looked at basic Western assumptions that marginalized Indigenous peoples and justified forced assimilation under the guise of civilization. And, of course, the Church’s role within this larger colonial system.

In the course of learning about Indigenous spirituality and its inseparability from connection to the land, we discovered many commonalities and shared truths. We grew in friendship, mutual trust, and shared respect. The sharing circles became places of moving testimony and heartfelt exchange. By April 6th when we met to celebrate with bannock and smoked salmon, this first circle felt complete. 

While the first year may be over, the journey of Opening our Hearts continues with collaborations involving St Mark’s and other parishes in the works. We ask you to kindly keep us in your prayers. And urge you to get involved or just say hello: [email protected]. We’d love to hear from you!

Opening Our Hearts begins by cultivating humility.
First through an encounter with history as experienced by Indigenous people across Canada (KAIROS Blanket Exercise). Next by joining a regular circle of learning where awareness can grow by Listening To Indigenous Voices. 

The KAIROS Blanket Exercise (KBE) is the first step on the journey of Opening Our Hearts, and a necessary precursor to the next phase: Listening to Indigenous Voices (LTIV), a course that examines in depth and detail issues raised in the KBE.

Stay tuned for upcoming sessions.