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Adult Faith

St. Augustine
2028 West 7th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V6J 1T4

Faith and Formation is a lifelong, ongoing process for everyone. Whether you have grown up Catholic or new to the faith, explore the beauty of the faith and grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ, the Church and within the parish community. 

Courses are offered at various times and days throughout the year. There is opportunity to watch videos and participate in small group discussions while focusing on faith and fellowship. Check the Parish Calendar for current and upcoming courses.

September Faith Formation at St. Augustine’s

1.  ALPHA:  September - December,  Thursdays. 
Contact Sheila&Matt at [email protected], or [email protected]

2.  "The Way, Truth and the Life"  Bible Study AscensionPress
September - December, Tuesdays.   
Contact Pilar at: [email protected]

3.  CCO Faith Studies
September - November, Mondays. 
Contact James   [email protected]

Join us for some of the amazing opportunities to grow in your faith.