May 08, 2024 00:00

First Communion 2024

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to our students who received their first communion on May 2nd. Your journey in faith has reached a significant milestone, marked by the reception of the Eucharist. Through the sacrament of the Eucharist, you are nourished and strengthened, to live out your faith with love and devotion.

We are immensely grateful to Father Ignacy for leading us in the beautiful Mass, Principal Michael Yaptinchay for his unwavering support, PREP Coordinator Ferial Khan for her dedication, the teachers and catechists for their guidance, and to all the parents and community members who have nurtured your faith.

As you move forward, let the Eucharist be the center of your lives. Let it be a source of strength, hope, and joy. Let the love of Christ inspire you to spread kindness, share compassion, and serve others.

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